
Just a fraction of the tangible, real-world innovations from Klick Applied Sciences.

Klick Applied Sciences spirometer

Breath Analysis as a Biomarker

In just six weeks, our team designed a device, built a working prototype, and filed for a patent for a new way of analyzing breath: looking at changes in exhalation volume, CO2 concentration, and temperature over time. Klick was awarded grants to study the device in lung function rehabilitation for COVID-19 patients and to assess individual asthma exacerbation risk. Those studies are currently ongoing.

Doctors using the Klick intubation box

Intubation Box

A simple solution to a complex global health challenge. The intubation box protects healthcare practitioners by shielding them from aerosolized COVID-19 particles during intubation. Boxes made by Klick were delivered to over 100 hospitals across North America during the early months of the pandemic.

A child uses the Klick HealthVoyager app


Developed in collaboration with Boston Children’s Hospital, HealthVoyager gives patients a new way to interact with their health data. By providing findings in a personalized and approachable way, patients are now able to fully comprehend their individual results and connect with their healthcare providers in a new way.

Klick's SymPulse™ tele-empathy device


Traditionally symptom simulators for movement disorders like Parkinson’s were based around mechanical vibrations, but did not accurately simulate the symptom experience on a muscular level. Whereas Klick has developed technology that simulates the electrical muscle activity seen in movement disorder symptoms. In the past, feeling a loved one or patient’s tremors was an impossibility, but Klick’s SymPulse™ tele-empathy device has made that experience a reality.